Teaching General Conference
with Kurt Francom & Friends
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Elder Christofferson's message, "Bearing Our Weapons of Rebellion", challenges us to reflect on what might be holding us back spiritually. Use these ideas to create a meaningful, interactive lesson about submission to the Lord's will and redemption through the Savior.
Elder Patrick Kearon
Elder Kearon’s talk challenges us to rethink how we worship and experience the sacrament. This teaching guide is filled with ideas to help your class cultivate joy and make every Sabbath a sacred celebration.
President Jeffrey R. Holland
Dive into President Holland’s talk I Am He with thoughtful activities and discussions about divine identity and the Savior’s role in our lives. Kurt Francom talks about ways to create meaningful connections that bring this powerful message to life for your class.
Sister Kristin M. Yee
Help your class connect with Sister Yee’s October 2024 Conference message on repentance and redemption. These tips includes unique ideas—like anonymous responses, relatable examples, and group discussions—to inspire deeper understanding and a closer relationship with the Savior.
Looking for a dynamic way to engage your class in a meaningful discussion after General Conference? Try the ‘Conference Tweet Page’ activity! This interactive approach uses real-time quotes from Conference to spark connections, personal insights, and actionable commitments. Perfect for Elders Quorum,...
Elder Dale G. Renlund
Bring Elder Renlund’s talk “This Is My Gospel”—“This Is My Church” to life by encouraging your class to share their own spiritual turning points. From personal stories to insights on ordinances, this lesson guide will help you create a meaningful discussion on the role of the Church in our lives.
President Russell M. Nelson
Want your class to truly connect with President Nelson’s most recent Conference message? Kurt Francom shares these helpful teaching tips as ideas on how to spark discussion in the classroom, share testimony, and help your class members make temple worship and discipleship more personal.
President Emily Belle Freeman
"Are we living up to the privileges of our covenants? Ganel-Lyn Condie shares her thoughts on how to teach President Freeman’s recent talk from General Conference. President Freeman challenges us to reflect on how ordinances and promises with God transform and sanctify us.
Elder Dale G. Renlund
Ganel-Lyn Condie shares ideas for how to teach Elder Dale G. Renlund's talk "The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ" from the April 2024 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ganel-Lyn Condie shares ideas for how to teach Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk "A Higher Joy" from the April 2024 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sister Andrea M. Spannaus
John Kirkman shares ideas for how to teach Sister Andrea M. Spannaus's talk "Faithful to the End" from the April 2024 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband
Julie Hillyard shares ideas for how to teach Elder Ronald A. Rasband's talk "Words Matter" from the April 2024 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Patrick Kearon
Kevin Jones shares ideas for how to teach Elder Patrick Kearon's talk "God’s Intent Is to Bring You Home" from the April 2024 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Pres. Russell M. Nelson
Kurt Francom shares ideas for how to teach President Russell M. Nelson's talk "Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys" from the April 2024 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Paul B. Pieper
Jarrod Guddat shares ideas for how to teach Elder Paul B. Pieper's talk "Trust in the Lord" from the April 2024 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
John Kirkman shares ideas for a class activity that you can do when doing a review of the talks from General Conference as part of your lesson!
Elder Robert M. Daines
Jarrod Guddat shares ideas for how to teach Elder Robert M. Daines's talk "Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus" from the October 2023 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Pres. Russell M. Nelson
Kurt Francom shares ideas for how to teach President Russell M. Nelson's talk "Think Celestial" from the October 2023 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Pres. Dallin H. Oaks
David Snell shares ideas for how to teach President Dallin H. Oaks's talk "Kingdoms of Glory" from the October 2022 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sister Tamara W. Runia
Ganel-Lyn Condie shares ideas for how to teach Sister Tamara Runia's talk "Seeing God's Family Through the Overview Lens" from the October 2023 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder James W. McConkie III
Kurt Francom shares ideas for how to teach Elder James W. McConkie III's talk "And They Sought to See Jesus Who He Was" from the October 2022 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sister Kristin M. Yee
Kurt Francom shares ideas for how to teach Sister Kristin M. Yee's talk "Beauty for Ashes: The Healing Path of Forgiveness" from the October 2022 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Kurt Francom shares ideas for how to teach pure doctrine when sharing talks from General Conference.
Elder David A. Bednar
Kurt Francom shares ideas for how to teach Elder David A. Bednar's talk "Put On Thy Strength, O Zion" from the October 2022 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sister Tracy Y. Browning
Kurt Francom shares ideas for how to teach Sister Tracy Y. Browning's October 2022 General Conference talk, "Seeing More of Jesus Christ in Our Lives".
Pres. Russell M. Nelson
Kurt Francom shares ideas for how to teach President Russell M. Nelson's October 2022 talk "Overcoming the World and Find Rest".
Kurt Francom shares details of a brand new miniseries where he and others share ideas for how to teach General Conference talks as priesthood and relief society lessons as part of your Sunday study and worship.