latestepisode Doctrine & Covenants 10-11: Part 2 Sis. Chelsea Chipman Sister Chelsea Chipman continues to explore the everlasting love and support of Jesus Christ as epitomized through Hyrum Smith’s life and devotion. Doctrine & Covenants 10-11: Part 2 Sis. Chelsea Chipman Sister Chelsea Chipman continues to explore the everlasting love and support of Jesus Christ as epitomized through Hyrum Smith’s life and devotion. moreepisodes sort by title creator release random title creator release random order Default a to z z to a Doctrine & Covenants 10-11: Part 1 with Sis. Chelsea Chipman The Translation of the Book of Mormon with Dr. Gerrit Dirkmaat Doctrine & Covenants 6-9: Part 2 with Dr. Taunalyn Ford Load More Loading...