creator profile
Barbara Morgan Gardner

Barbara Morgan Gardner is an associate professor of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University. Her research interests focus primarily on women in religious leadership, international education (most specifically Latin America), and religious pedagogy. She is the author of the book The Priesthood Power of Women in the Temple, Church, and Family. Barbara received […]
Their Episodes

Sometimes life’s challenges are so overwhelming you find yourself “gasping and grasping” for relief....

Small, ordinary actions are the building blocks of an extraordinary relationship! Just like a work of...

All marriages come with their share of problems, but the strength they can have is priceless. Hank talks...

Trust with your spouse isn’t built on grand gestures–it’s built on consistency. Hank explores how being...

If you want to improve your marriage, start with the person in the mirror! Hank explores the Savior’s...

What air is to the lungs, listening is to the soul! Hank dives deep into the eight types of listening...

Love isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience. Do you know your spouse’s love language? Hank dives into the...

Artificial harmony might look like peace on the surface, but it erodes relationships from within. Hank...

Relationships are like engines—they need oil to keep running smoothly. Hank talks about how pretending...
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