creator profile
Ganel-Lyn Condie
Ganel-Lyn is a popular motivational speaker – known for inspiring others with her unique honesty, authenticity and spirit. She is dedicated to her family, faith, and inspiring others. Ganel-Lyn loves teaching others with speaking and writing. She has experienced healing from a major chronic illness and is the mother to two miracle children. After the […]
Their Episodes
How do you know if the Spirit is talking to you or not? How can you be sure it's a prompting and not...
After everything Christ has invested in you, do you really think He'd walk away now? Hank Smith shares...
Obviously Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith to tell him where the plates were buried and prepare him to...
In this episode, Coach Bob Smith shares his personal journey of embracing vulnerability, healing emotional...
Everyone has clutter—whether visible from the front door or crammed into a forbidden drawer out of sight....
Could your challenges actually be a sign of God's trust in you? Amy Sackett shares Elder Christofferson's...
This week we are studying Joseph Smith History verses one through twenty-six. This is one of the accounts...
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