creator profile
Hank Smith

Hank has presented as keynote presenter at international programs, universities, school assemblies, and other forums around the world. Hank is the bestselling author of many books and audio CDs, including, Be Happy, Unconquerable, and Running Down Your Dreams. Hanks powerful messages of high trust culture and its impact on achievement, inspire leaders, employees and students […]
Their Episodes

Have you ever heard someone say, “Show me where Jesus said that in the scriptures”? Carmen Herbert reminds...

We want to be validated in the way that we show love, but that often leads to a trap of loneliness. Dr....

What makes YOU happy? It sounds like such a simple question... until you realize you can't answer it....

D&C 6, 8-9 sections are full of Powerful Principles Pertaining to Personal Promptings...(like my alliteration???...

Today we're studying D&C 9:11 in just one minute! Grab your scriptures and let's dive into them toge...

Carter and Daniel tag along with their archeologist mom on an excavation in the Valley of the Kings in...

How do we love those who seem to get away with everything? How do we love ourselves? Matthew Merrill...
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