creator profile
Meg Johnson

Before being paralyzed, Meg was a ballroom dancer and professional party planner. Then a weekend trip changed it all and Meg was paralyzed when she was hiking in Southern Utah. She accidentally jumped off a 40-foot cliff, breaking both of her femurs, wrists, collar bone, and four bones in her neck. She returned home without […]
Their Episodes

The atonement of Jesus Christ isn't the only tool our Heavenly Father has given us to make it through...

Struggles feel so big in the moment, but what if they’re just one small chapter in a much bigger story?...

The events of a wonderful day in 1829 changed everything, and D&C 13 captures that power in just one...

In this episode of the podcast, Heather sits down with Coach Summer Davis, a certified life coach specializing...

Do you want better interactions with your kids or spouse? Often good relationships require skills that...

John Bytheway shares a life-changing realization from his mission in the Philippines—many of the things...

This week we are studying Doctrine and Covenants sections 12 through 17, in addition to the final verses...
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Here’s a great paragraph about how amazing our speakers are and how it well they integrate together.