creator profile
Elena Aburto

Elena Aburto is from Orem, Utah. She served her mission in Modesto, California. She got her bachelor’s degree in music and her masters degree in teaching. Currently, she works as a music teacher at an elementary school.
Their Episodes

D&C 6, 8-9 sections are full of Powerful Principles Pertaining to Personal Promptings...(like my alliteration???...

Today we're studying D&C 9:11 in just one minute! Grab your scriptures and let's dive into them toge...

Carter and Daniel tag along with their archeologist mom on an excavation in the Valley of the Kings in...

How do we love those who seem to get away with everything? How do we love ourselves? Matthew Merrill...

Revelation, burning bosoms, and enlightened minds—how does God REALLY speak to you and me? Oliver Cowdery...

Aging isn’t about the number of candles on your birthday cake—it’s about whether or not you keep learning....

I heard this explained as the “gateway virtue” one time, and it totally made sense! Let’s dive into D&C...
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Here’s a great paragraph about how amazing our speakers are and how it well they integrate together.